Saturday 7 September 2013


IT'S BEEN A BUSY WEEK. Still no news on when the bombs will fall on Assad. But at least he has enough warning to sort things out. Tidy up before the guests arrive. 100,00 people killed and two million refugees - no bombs then.  
Israel continues to break international law and build settlements on the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Mugabe had field day with democracy again. But the world(especially the Americans) remain silent here.Oh, any news on our Middle East Peace Envoy?


Pupils have to resit their English and Maths exams if they do not pass first time around – they have to get a grade C or keep resitting the exam.

NO! -  Not everyone can achieve that level. How many times will someone have to resit the exam?

YES! – It’s about time we raised our expectations of ALL young people and of ourselves. It’s time to explain to them clearly why, both at home and in school, they can and need to aim high. It is a shame on this “civilised society” of ours that it is acceptable for young adults to leave school, after 10 years (39-40 weeks per school year) unable to read and write properly.
And why does the staff in the education system accept this as a norm? Our overworked and hard pressed teachers – everyone is overworked.

On top of that we then create a whole system that employs people to mop up these failures. There are a range of organisations, charities etc who now train these young people to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. Those, that is, who are lucky enough to get that help, otherwise unemployment, low paid work and a life full of unfulfilled potential is the reward for those who don’t get found. And still the world turns.


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